EL BARRIO, EL BRONX – Happy 4th of July, Happy Birthday Freedom, and most of all Happy Birthday America! I know you all want to get back to your hot dogs, blown-off digits and hamburgers, so let’s get through today’s piece quickly. Our Independence Day topics: NBA Free Agency, WNBA Baby Mama, and the Women’s World Cup.
NBA Free Agency: So it is time for NBA free agency. This year’s class aren’t filled with franchise players but heavy on the co-star type players that can compliment the big names. However, these co-stars and role players are much wiser these days and want good money as well as a chance to win. This is proven by LaMarcus Aldridge turning down Kobe and the Lakers because he knew there would be no chance to win, in the near future. If the Lakers can’t pull anyone, what chance do the Knicks have.
WNBA Baby Mama Drama: The WNBA’s former power couple have broken up. They are Brittiney Griner and Glory Johnson (somewhere there is an adult movie wannabe star regretting not using that name). News broke this week that the apparent catcher in the relationship was pregnant with twins. Apparently, they were kicked out of a club in April, married in May, Johnson announced she was pregnant on June 4th and on the 5th Griner filed for an Annulment. Now it appears that Johnson is having twins and yet still no word from Griner. Who says the WNBA is boring?!
Women’s World Cup: In case you missed hearing about Women’s soccer over the course of the week, here is all that you missed.
1) It was revealed that on top of making the women play all their games on turf, which the men don’t do. FIFA make the women share hotels, which the men don’t do. So it is likely two separate teams are having team meetings next to each other and chatting in the lobby with the opposition. Then have to play each other, how awkward is that!?! FIFA, advancing women’s rights… kind off.
2) The England defender, Laura Basset, was on the receiving end of soccer sympathizing after deflecting a cross and seeing it end up in her team’s goal. The own goal occurred 20 seconds before the final whistle to end the game. Her, her teammates and neutrals were heartbroken. She has gotten all kinds of love from the soccer world and very little abuse. Though some horrible female journalist said it was sexism that she didn’t get as much abuse as the men. Kindly forgetting that the men horribly missed penalty kicks or got sent off by refs for stupid fouls. This is what happens when people force a story. But I’ll stop here because I know all of you are sound asleep.
3) The 2015 final will be a rematch of the 2011 final, as America take on Japan. The final will take place tomorrow, the day after Independence day, no better time for America to win. Lets go USA!!!
That’s it for now, come back tomorrow for Cheesy Bruin!