Guidance, Terry Collins, Bill Belichick and Indoor Sports Season

EL BRONX, EL BARRIO – Been busy with life but when I was asked to pinch-hit, I said sure. Considering the high-stress week of work, why not relax and spend some time writing about sports. There is a lot to talk about but I will do it without bogging you, “the people,” down. For added measure, after being inspired by the week’s events, I have a fantastic new Song of the Week. After the “SOTW,” we will get to what makes today’s piece oh-so-special: Guidance, Terry Collins, Bill Belichick and Indoor Sports season.

Let’s begin with the music…

Guidance: The staff at MTM proudly know that I am now a Dad. And with that announcement, so to do you lucky readers. As I dealt with my little girl eating/pooping and looking at me weird, I couldn’t help but think of this of this song by the rapper Guru (who passed in 2015). He wrote it for his unborn son at the time but it is fitting for every new dad. Take a listen…

Now for the sports…

Terry Collins: As I finished parking today, I was listening to sports radio. I never do but I was busy doing shopping last week so I listened to Sunday football. I heard the Mets were one game from making the playoffs and the announcer was pushing for Collins to be a Coach of the Year candidate. I know that Collins has all the enthusiasm of dead moth and seems like he has the backbone of eclair. And yes, the Mets management sucked and the physio department are probably the worst in the league. Lots of players fell apart this season and the was loads of disappointment. However, that is not on Collins. I mean the ownership sucking are like your in-laws, a huge pain but it doesn’t detract from how special your spouse is. Despite all these challenges and disappointments somehow Collins has gotten the Mets into the playoffs for a second straight season. It is actually reminiscent of the 1987 Mets. After winning it all in ’86, Davey Johnson has often said that managing to get back to the playoffs in ’87 was his proudest moment as a coach, more than ’86.  Fair play to Terry for being a quality manager this season.

Bill Belichick: I hate Belichick with the blinding intensity of 100 suns. But as I listened to the Jets lose on Sunday, that was why the radio was stuck on sports talk, I have admiration for him. Is he a moniker for Richard, yes. Does he cheat, definitely. However, he is now 3-0 using his 2nd and 3rd string QB in the wake of the Brady suspension. With their #1 quarter back the Jets are 1-2 and had 5 interceptions in their last game. Belichick has no coaching tree, as all his assistants have sucked. He is part of the Parcells coaching tree and probably the most successful branch. I hate him, I hate Boston and all that good stuff but he is a winner and he has devised a system that makes everyone interchangeable while special but not irreplaceable. Fair play to him.

alg-knicks-fans2-jpgIndoor Sports Season: With Baseball season heading into its playoffs, it means we are about to start with the indoor sports of Basketball and Hockey. I hold no hope for the Knicks, they will suck as they have for years. The Rangers are gonna be a coin toss. Hopefully the are a quicker unit and can ride King Henrik into the playoffs and from there maybe, just maybe surprise some people.

That’s all I have… Please come back tomorrow for The Man of a Thousand Faces, Cheesy Bruin… And feel free to leave your thoughts below and follow us on Twitter – @JunoirBlaber & @MeetTheMatts and like our Facebook page, Meet The Matts.

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber