WEST BROOKLYN, NJ – Good morning! Hope everyone is enjoying the Chinese Hoax of temps in the Dubai range to the Pacific Northwest in a matter of minutes. Well, the MLB regular season is over and the New York Metropolitans are now in search of a new manager, after wisely dumping the-in-way-over-his-head Mickey Callaway.
The Mick is nice enough guy, but clearly a boob when it comes to making any kind of decision to help his team win. In fact, it could be said a merely decent manager would have scraped out 5-6 more wins from this bunch, just by being competent.
The search is on for his replacement and we can only hope Brodie Van Gildenstern is smart and bold enough to realize he must do whatever it takes to convince Jeffy & Fred that Joe Girardi is clearly the guy for the job. Outbid the Cubs… do the right thing. It’s time for them to hire someone with a personality that is bigger than they normally prefer but that elusive trip down the Canyon of Heroes is the only goal here. Look at this like the Rangers did with Mike Keenan for the ’94 season. Yeah, the guy was a prick but he won us the Cup. Back up the truck and pay Joe G. He can handle New York and he won manager of the year with the Marlins before he was fired for winning. It’s not the time to get cute and hire the next up-and-comer. Get the proven guy, even if he won’t puppet your party line. He will win and that’s what folks will remember.
Speaking of the Rangers, they kicked off their regular season last night and I’m pretty excited for what the season will bring. Artemiy Panarin (this guy has more spellings of his name than Gaddafi) and Jacob Trouba both contributed goals and showed both are ready to play in front of The Garden faithful. The Breadman looks to be a key contributor on offense all season long. Now hopefully Chytil gets it together in Hartford and can come up and be consistent showing the flashes of talent he teased in short bursts last season. It’s a new dawn for the Blueshirts and maybe they can pull together a magical season for The King before he’s done.
Ps… I went to the same high school as Quinn and was told he was a real prick, so we got that going for us. There is no I in team, but there sure is one in prick, and it’s pricks we need to get it done. Come back tomorrow for lawn dart champion, Junoir Blaber.