Sports Rain Man Previews, Reviews Mets, Knicks and Rangers

teve-Cohen, Vladmir-Putin, Mets, Artemi-Panarin-Knicks, Rangers, Sports Rain Man, Meet_The_Matts, Junoir_Blaber

EL BARRIO, EL FALLS – With two of the 4 major sports leagues in full swing and a third is in pre-season, it’s time to give my thoughts on how my teams are doing. So here is the menu for today: NY Mets, NY Knicks and NY Rangers!


The Mets were not kidding when they hung up the under new ownership banner. They made a huge statement by getting Francisco Lindor. It was the kind of statement you make to let everyone know there is a new sheriff in town – Sheriff Cohen. So after getting everyone’s attention they have been putting other building blocks in place as they bolstered the pitching staff. So now what? Well, they may make one or two more moves, but now it is time for management and coaching to earn their keep. There is enough talent on the roster to make the playoffs. The question is if they will gel well enough in time to do so.


The words Knicks and playoffs have rarely been uttered without the word missed in between. I think they have made it once in the last 7 years or so. Now, under Tom Thibideau, the Knicks seem set to make the postseason. It makes sense, though, as Thibs is not the kind of coach to lead you to a title. He has always been a Don Nelson/Lenny Wilkins type; coaching-up young, talented teams and getting to be competitive before the title-winning elite coach replaces him. I think Thibs will coach the Knicks another two seasons and get them to be top 3 or 4 in the East then be replaced.


First off, like everyone else, I believe the whole Artemi Panarin inappropriate actions with a minor allegation is absolute nonsense. However, I fully understand Panarin taking a break. When someone like Vladdy Putin (sounds like a dessert) wants you to look bad, you have to work extra hard to not give him anything to destroy you with. This allegation is one of those attempts and it needs to be dismissed in as tough a measure as possible. On the ice, I don’t see the Rangers being able to resolve the issues they have on the blue line. There is a lack of quality and a lack of depth, though I am not sorry for getting rid of Tony DeAngelo. I have faith the attack will come alive, I just don’t think it can make up for the issues at the back.

Thanks for reading, comment below and come back tomorrow for Ben “Pink” Whitney. That’s right, I’m still saying Pink will be here tomorrow.

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber