Yankees Finish Better Than Mets? Don’t Be So Sure… Note To Uncle Steve Cohen

Put Vogie in CF... Bring back Bart! Send Stanton to the bench [press]!

EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ – The Dog Days of Summer are upon us and there are questions to be answered! Here’s one: Will The Yankees Finish Better Than Mets?

Yankees Finish Better Than Mets?

Watching the Flushing fumble that is the 2023 New York Mets campaign, one would think that there is no way in heck that the could do worse. Surely the Stanks will finish the season with a better record. Right? Well, after watching Giancarlo Stanton labor (there’s irony) around the bases and DJ LeMahieu’s meteoric decline, I’m not so sure. Stanton is an absolute abomination. He’s life-sucking teammate – from a performance standpoint. He’s probably a great guy in the clubhouse. He’d better be. Jesus H. [Alou] is he bad on the field. And the pitching staff is a downright calamity. Skipping giddily over to the Manager’s office, Aaron Boone is… Aaron Boone. He’s the Yankee version of Mickey Callaway (sans the allegations and subsequent ban sexual harassment). Watching him produce pearls of positivity after another abysmal dud from his Bronx Bombers (funny how that name can flip to accommodate), is very Buck Showalter-esque.

Which brings us back to Queens…

I get the fire-sale. I also get that Steve Cohen is learning how to juggle his blind Mets’ fan passion and his ability to spend like a drunken sailor. What I don’t get is watching [not watching] guys like Araúz, Ortega, Mendick, Stewart and Almonte in the lineup. What the flying fack is that?! The youngest one in there is 29-years-old! Play the youngins, for cripe’s sake! If you don’t want to ruin them, bring up some life-long minor leaguers who have yet to play in The Show. Play Vogelbach in center field, bring back Big Bartolo, even! Us Mets fans have accepted this season as Flushing Flop #54. At this point, we just want to giggle… to be entertained. We’re back in that “…at least the Yankees lost,” mode. In fact, we’d consider 2023 to be a rousing success if… the Mets finish with a better record than the Stankees.

Hey, the Amazins are trending upwards, while the Bronx Bummers are spiraling down. It could happen.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off, RugbyWrapUp.com, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.