Darryl & Me: Remember To Pray for Darryl Strawberry

NEW YORK, NY – When I think of Darryl Strawberry I remember that whenever I would run into him, he would acknowledge me. Not one time did he ever walk by me without uttering, “Wazup!” I remember one time he was doing a book signing, and when I approached him for his autograph he was upset that I purchased the book. “I would have gave you one,” he uttered.

I remember having dinner with him at Spark’s Steak House in midtown Manhattan, and
as he ate he acknowledged everyone who came to the table with either small talk or for an
autograph. I remember one night I wore a white suit and he couldn’t stop laughing at the thought that I was impersonating Tony Manero from Saturday Night Fever.
I remember the last game played at Shea Stadium when my late brother Steve and his son Teddy were having a hard time getting into the suite where all the ex-Mets players were holding a get together. I told Straw about it and he said, “Let’s go get em.” We walked towards the entrance and Straw broke out shouting, “Yo, Steve, where are you?” He kept repeating it over and over till we saw my brother and nephew. The look of disbelief on both of their faces will stay with me forever. Straw told the guard, “They’re with me,” as my brother stood there stunned.

I remember walking the streets with Straw as every passing New Yorker showed love
through their greetings. I remember calling Straw one night and telling him about my brothers downhill battle with colon cancer. Straw, being a survivor, offered the advice of, “Just be with him as much as you can.”
Aristostle “Mugsy” Sakellaridis

When I heard about Straw’s recent health scare I got sad. Then I thought about everyone

leaving so suddenly before they get to their golden years and it made me sadder.
While everyone remembers Darryl Strawberry for his home runs and on-field heroics, I remember him for the humble, gracious human being that he is.
My prayers are with you to get better, bro. You’ve got a lot of life left.
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About Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis 139 Articles
Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis is the junkiest of baseball junkies. He plays in 4 leagues, well past his 40th birthday, and spends the winter in Florida shagging flies at Yankees minor league complexes. He's also a retired Riker's Island Corrrection Officer - having worked the night shift for 20+ years.