Sports Rain Man: Drew Brees Retires, NFL Free Agency, March Madness

Drew Brees, Tom-Brady, Saints, Sports Rain Man, Meet_The_Matts, Junoir_Blaber, Mike Krzyzewski, Duke, March Madness

EL BARRIO, EL FALLS – This may have been the longest weekend of my life and not a good way. It was pretty long before we get into Daylight Saving Time, which I firmly disagree with. We are no longer farmers, so what is the point, plus putting kids to bed is a nightmare as their body doesn’t register the arbitrary time change. Anyway, here is what I will discuss today: Brees Retires, NFL Free Agency, March Madness!

Drew Brees Retires

NFL All Time Leading Passer

Drew Brees has retired from the NFL after 20 seasons. He was the second oldest quarterback in the league, behind Tom Brady. He had achieved the record of All Time Leading Passer leader (in yards) in the NFL. Unlike Brady, however, he only managed one Super Bowl win despite many playoff runs. His Saints had developed a unique ability to choke in the Divisional playoffs the last few years. For all the achievements it should not be forgotten that Brees came into the league as a prolific Purdue passer. He was drafted by San Diego and many questioned his height – an even 6 feet. After a nasty arm injury while diving to fall on fumbled ball, his future was in doubt. The Chargers made a draft move following that injury, and drafted Eli Manning – who was traded for Phillip Rivers. The pair suffered through a very awkward season before Brees was a free agent and landed in New Orleans with the newly-hired Sean Payton. Payton and Brees seemed to share one brain and are the reason the Saints were perennial contenders for the Super Bowl and no longer known as the Aints. It has been a great run for Brees but his body was showing signs of wear & tear, forcing him to miss a few games each season. His arm strength wasn’t what it was, as he couldn’t throw the deep ball as well, so the end was near and it was best for everybody that he retired. In a different world, I would love to see him accept a back-up role and be a great option for Nawlins.

NFL Free Agency

The NFL’s free agency period for the 2021 off-season officially begins at 4 p.m. ET on March 17. With the effect of COVID-19, all the teams are financially hurting. The league agreed to let teams spread lost income over the next few seasons, accounting wise, but loads of teams are currently over the cap. You will see a surprising number big name players cut by their clubs to get them under and then re-signed to more flexible contracts. Don’t be surprised to see teams just let the big money performers go because the can’t afford them. This maybe the most interesting free agency in a while.

March Madness

I had forgotten that this had actually happened. With the tourney being played in empty arenas, I totally blanked that teams were playing games. Like any tournament qualifiers, there were surprises. Rick Pitino’s Iona qualified and Duke didn’t. Of course there were big snubs, but all in all, what most people are curious about is whether the tournament will be COVIID- free, and if it not… will #COVID positive teams be forced to forfeit? It will be another great social sports experiment.

Thanks for reading, comment below and come back tomorrow for Ben “Pink” Whitney. Yeah… I’m STILL saying Pink will be here tomorrow.

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About Junoir Blaber 562 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber