Oscar, Oscar! West Coast Craig with Sports Oscars

February 19, 2014 West Coast Craig 30

Warding off a trip to the Psyche Ward for behavior untoward the fine wards of this site, as inquired by the stewards, our friend Angry […]

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Cookie’s Corner: 10 Things To Do This Weekend

May 24, 2013 Cookie 26

NEW, NY – Lucky for you readers (except West Coast Craig, who might have cared), the American Zofingen Iron ITT 112-mile bike race I’d signed […]

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Basic Fan Questions for the Smart Sports Fan

May 3, 2013 The Matts 15

NEW YORK, NY – With Different Matt so grief-stricken over the Rangers losing to our nation’s Capitals last night, that he forgot about his column, […]

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Preacher’s Row: Verlander’s Very Good Friday, A Rod’s Astro-nautical salary, and Cinderella sent packing

March 30, 2013 Preacher Collins 1

New York, NY – It was definitely a Good Friday for the Detroit Tigers’ Kate Upton lovin’ Justin Verlander who reportedly just signed a $180 Million 7yr contract. […]

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Snow Job: Kate Upton & Nemo

February 9, 2013 The Matts 3

UPTON, NY – With the snow up to our under-carriage, Dr. Diz succumbing to the flu, and a time zone discrpency causing a rift in […]

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TECHNICAL DIFFICULITIES… We’ll be back Upton at 8:45 AM

December 1, 2012 The Matts 3

NEW YORK, NY – Sorry for the inconvenience, but we have tech issues and will be back Upton at 8:45 AM, EST… And don’t worry, […]

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Damn Mayans! Dooms Day Bucket List For Sports Fans

September 27, 2012 Cam James 5

FLUSHING, NY – Last night I went to the last baseball game I will attend ever – unless the Cards play the Yanks in the […]

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Grote’s Gripes: (Larry) King of The Olympics

August 7, 2012 The Matts 30

LONDON, UK – Hey gang it’s Larry King back pinch hitting for my buddy Grote2DMax again.  I’m over in London for The Olympics and figured […]

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Cookie’s Corner: Why I Love The Olympics!

August 3, 2012 Cookie 25

LONDON, UK –  Trade deadline… past.  NBA players on vacation and committing or gearing up to committing crimes… present.   Antonio Cromartie knocking up another chick […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: 10 People Kate Upton Forbidden To Date

July 18, 2012 Angry Ward 32

NEW YORK, NY – I hate to play the role of hard-ass here (oh, who am I kidding, I love that role), but someone has […]

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