Angry Ward Wednesday: The Best NBA Preview Ever from Sports Hell

October 30, 2013 Angry Ward 27

“I could have sworn Sarah Palin said John McCain was a Maverick.” NEW YORK, NY – Look, it’s been well-documented already, I’m in Sports Hell. […]

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SPORTS LIES: Sandy Alderson Is Pinocchio, I’m Ron Burgundy, Knicks Fix For Coke

September 16, 2013 Fake Sandy Alderson 16

Today’s Sports Lies column is co-written by Jackson D. Sternberg – who is 12,  with Fake Sandy Alderson. The Three Biggest Lies in the world? […]

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Don’t Call it a Comeback: Jeter Insult To Injury

July 12, 2013 Different Matt 19

The Bronx, NY – The long awaited return of Derek Jeter went off with a bang. The Captain came back from two ankle fractures and […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: Chasing The Dream Or Rooting For A Loser?

May 28, 2013 Junoir Blaber 39

NEW YORK, NY – Not only is yours truly Chasing The Dream but I am following West Coast Craig’s stellar performance yesterday with this pinch-hit […]

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Knicks Step Up The Pace, Matt Harvey Five-0, Instant Reply Gone Wild

May 18, 2013 Preacher Collins 17

NEW YORK, NY – In a ‘must win’ situation, the New York Knickerbockers came through and beat the Indiana Pacers 85-75 Thursday night at The […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: The NBA v NHL Playoff Schedule

May 14, 2013 Junoir Blaber 21

New York, NY – Junnie-wah (Yup, I made up my own nickname) has been called off the bench to pinch hit and I got one […]

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Ovechkin Over Checks, Pigs Flying As Brad Richards Scores, Amar’e Stoudamire

May 9, 2013 The Matts 2

While we’re waiting for Cam James to overcome his technical difficulties to post his column, here’s a brief gap-filler. NEW YORK, NY – In a […]

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Grote’s Gripes: Ain’t My Cross To Bear: Crosses In Sports

May 7, 2013 Kevin McGrory 17

ATLANTA, GA – Big wins last night for the Rangers and my Bruins. I hope we get to see them play each other in the […]

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VIDEO: Hot Girls In A Contact Sport; Huge Wins for Knicks, Islanders, Mets

May 4, 2013 The Matts 16

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND – Whilst some of you may think that this piece was not the featured column for today, that for the second day […]

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March Sadness: Brackets Busted, Rangers, Knicks, Yankees, Mets Suck

March 22, 2013 Different Matt 21

NEW YORK, NY – Its Day 2 of the NCAA Tournament and half of your brackets are busted before the first round of games are […]

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