Sports Rain Man: Bills Trample Falcons, Jets Invent New Way to Crash, Bears Maul Giants, Geoff & Betty

Geoff and Betty had the right idea on life. Lighten up, Rob.

EL BARRIO, EL FALLS – Happy New Year Welcome to your first real article of the new year, with some old results…I went two for three again. Of NY’s three teams, the Bills were the only team that won again. The Jets were close until they invented a new way to lose, while the Giants would have had more dignity in a forfeit. We’ll have banter about that and some thoughts on the passing of Geoff Andrews and Betty White. With that, let’s get to today’s topics: Bills Trample Falcons, Jets Invent New Way to Crash, Bears Maul Giants, Geoff & Betty.  

Bills Trample Falcons

Way to go, Buffalo! Playoff spot clinched! A few weeks back, the Bills were looking a little worse for wear and I said they needed to find stud QB Josh Allen some help. Seems they went the other way and leaned into Allen’s play-making ability. They got him in a moving pocket, running bootlegs and allowing him to make plays with his feet as well as his arm. In a surprise yesterday, Allen’s feet ran for two touchdowns but his arm threw for 3 interceptions. The difference was a 100+ yard running game from Devin Singletary and 2 TDs. The real factor was the Bills defense not giving the Falcons any room to operate. The defense allowed 2 field goals and a touchdown in the first half and that was it. Job well done, boys!

Jets Invent New Way to Crash

Finding new ways to lose is a J-E-T-S  hallmark…  Gang Green was up 24-20 on the Super Bowl Champions and rookie QB Zach Wilson (with the age gap between him and TB12 the biggest ever) was having a very good game. The Jets had 4th and 2 on the Tampa 7 and decided to go for it with 2:12 left on the clock. This makes no sense! The Jets called a few trick plays and reverses and have basically said “to hell with it” when it comes to playing it safe. BUT against the defending champs I would think discretion would have been the better part of valor. They instead run a QB sneak get stuffed. Brady then takes his team down field to score a touchdown with 15 seconds left. Why not take a delay of game, kick a field goal then take an offside penalty on the kickoff and make them have to choose between a re-kick or taking the ball where it is? It just boggles the mind… but this is life as a Jets’ fan.

Bears Maul Giants

Junoir Blaber

Saquon Barkley ran for 102 yards, his first 100-yard game since his ACL tear, and the Giants still got beat bad… Mike Glennon was useless at QB. I mean I can’t believe Glennon has a pro contract but Kaepernick can’t get a sniff. What is going on?! The defense did a great job hold the Bears to 29 points but the offense got only 49 yards once you take out Barkley’s contribution. If Joe Judge and Dave Gettleman aren’t gone after this, nothing will remove them. PERSONAL NOTE: My good friend (and die hard Giants fan) decided to watch the Jets game instead, as he wanted to watch a competitive game. I told him the Jets wouldn’t hang on.

Final Thoughts on Geoff and Betty

Geoff Andrews: I woke up to news on Friday morning Geoff had been called up to play for All Angels RFC (Rugby Football Club). I was shocked and saddened and called Short Matt. The thing about Geoff is that everyone that met him had a great story about him and nothing negative to say. The man knew so many big names and his name rang bells like Sunday at 12 o’clock. I came toward the tail-end of Geoff’s 40+ year involvement with New York Rugby Club. The thing that amazed me was Short Matt would get these invites to these fancy shindigs and I would be his plus one (sorry Mrs Short Matt!). I was at these things events with foreign dignitaries, former All Blacks and people who can afford to own two-story penthouse condos in midtown Manhattan. I mean, my imposter syndrome was going off the charts. But the moment I said I was invited by Geoff Andrews, it “Oh you know Geoff?! He’s the best aint’ he?” This doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of how for such a well-connected man, he was never a name-dropper. I would just go to a coaching seminar and listen to a Rugby World Cup winning coach speak, only to see him and Geoff shake hands and chat like life long buds. I could go on, but I will stop here and say it was a pleasure to know him. He was as good an egg as they come. Click this to see Short Matt’s tribute.

Betty White: I agree with Emily Holmes. Betty White didn’t die, she decided to take 2021 with her and make sure 2022 would be a good year. I will always remember her as Rose Nylund from her time on Golden Girls. Like all things, it takes me back to my childhood; those “…can’t it be, it was all so simple then” moments. The whole clan watched TV and for once the talk wasn’t about bills or doing better in school or what was happening back home. Just my brother finishing dishes in time to sit down and join me… my dad pushing me and my bro in the head and smiling as he sat down with his drink and my mom finished putting dinner away before sitting by my dad with her drink. And the whole Blaber family laughing as Betty talked about some ridiculous story involving St. Olaf. She went on to do more shows, movies and guest appearances but in my heart and mind, that is where she stays and why.

Thanks for reading, comment below and come back tomorrow for our Big Ben Whitney, who will probably talk about hockey before he talks football.

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber