Who Is Señor September?! Jacob deGrom’s Agent Crying

NEW YORK, NY – With Hurricane Ian turning lives and things literally upside down, we’ve got ourselves some metaphorically relatable topics for sports segue purposes. And since you want the news and not the weather, let’s batten down the hatches and get to these upside down topics: Who Is Señor September, Jacob deGrom’s Agent Crying.

Señor September

The New York Mets would be 3 games behind the Atlanta Braves if not for one player, end of story. No wait… that’s the beginning of the story. Who is this one player that could be responsible for a 4 game swing in a pennant race, you ask? Let’s look at who it ain’t, first. It ain’t Max Scherzer. While he’s been very effective in his September starts, his impact has been limited by injury. Buck Showalter, who I am reluctantly becoming [just] okay with, has handled Max with kid gloves. And that’s wise. Dallas Green would have had him pitching on 2 days rest and tossing 160 pitches. Buck & Co have been smart about the pitching staff all season, and that should pay dividends in October. The staff may get hit, but it won’t be because they are gassed… It ain’t De Grom, DeGrom, de Grom or deGrom, either. More on him below. How about the Polar Bear? One could make an argument re Alonso but no. Jeff McNeil and Francisco Lindor could certainly garner a lion’s share of votes but it’s my ball and my game and I’ll go how with it if you disagree with my choice…. [Drum Roll] “Ladies & Germs, please welcome to the stage with a rousing round of applause…  Eduardo “Don’t Call Me Pablo” Escobar!!! That’s right, Eddie Escobar, who’s been en fuego at exactly the right time. He’s had one big hit after the next and made some great plays with the glove. And he’s playing so well, he tossed his interpreter down like a naughty rosin bag.   And that, folks, translated into one of the most heart-felt, organic, post-game interviews in a long, long time. Funny what success can do:

Eduardo: your English is a thousand times better than most Americans Spanish – let it fly, amigo.

Jacob deGrom’s Agent Crying

The now-controversial Jake deGrom is potentially pitching his team out of the NL East title and himself out of boatloads. In his last two starts he’s coughed up 8 earned runs in 9 innings. That’s an ERA of 8.00. Hey Jake, maybe you shouldn’t have opted out the DAY AFTER MLB and the MLBPA agreed on how to share their collective greed. You opted out of 30 million next year and 35 million the year after. Rumor has it that tears aplenty are aflowing in the exec suites of the VC Group – Shake-n-Jake’s agent. This all sucks for everyone, as it’s known The deGrominator is likely signing with the Bravos. BUT… all of this is NOT bad now for Mets fans. Why? Because deGrom better be/must be great the rest of the way. If not, he’s tossed a king’s ransom overboard. If he is all that he’s supposed to be and Scherzer continues as planned, good times are ahead this post-season. Oh, and let the Braves overpay for a guy that can’t stay healthy – good riddance, you ungrateful pr*ck.

That’s all for now. Please leave your two cents below and share MTM with your pals.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off, RugbyWrapUp.com, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.