NY Giants, Edwin Diaz, Adam Copeland

Brodie Van Wagenen, Edwin Diaz, Robinson Cano, Meet_The_Matts, Crying Fans
Van Wagenen + Cano + DiazĀ  = Crying Mets Fans

HOLBROOK, NY – Hello, again. It’s Fake Sandy’s son, Jackson, chiming in with some observations on sports news and notes. We can all use a distraction, right?

The New York Giants season is already over. Once again, the offense line has shattered any championship aspirations. In my opinion, this is utterly embarrassing. The O-line has been in flux for TEN Years!!! How many bust draft picks or horrible free agent signings do we need to go through to make a change? This team has gone through 3 General Managers and has hit on maybe two FA/Draft picks on the line. It aint the QBs, folks.

Jackson Sternberg

Let’s shift to the New York Mets. I was watching The MLB postseason tonight, and I could not help but wonder: What would have happened If the Metros had Edwin Diaz this year? Diaz is probably the most dominant, automatic closer in baseball. I understand that the Mets decided to sell at the trading deadline, but humor me for a moment. Let’s say the Amazins held on to everyone and were able to win, say… 83-85 games. In today’s format, if you just get in you can win the whole freaking thing!

Before I go I had to quickly give my thoughts on another first love of mine, Pro WrestlingAdam Copeland, better known as Edge, has joined All Elite Wrestling, an alternative to WWE. This is a stunning turn of events, as the Rated R Superstar is a full time talent. I just think that’s amazing.

Speaking of wrestling, check out WWE Hall of Famer JBL – John Bradshaw Layfield – in this… or the fans breaking his chops.

I’ve taken up enough of your time today. Come back tomorrow for the great Aristotle “Mugsy” Sakellaridis.

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About Jackson Sternberg 75 Articles
Jackson and his twin brother Jacob are son's of MTM legend, Al Sternberg. Being the youngest of the twins by 10 minutes, Jackson knows the value of time. Look for him and Jacob to collaborate and/or create separately. Family quirk: the twins don Speedos when wake-boarding on Long Island's beaches.