Blaber’s Blabberings: Ryan Miller Trade, Ariane Raymondo-Felton, Sandy Alderson Fiasco

You will pay for this. This is not over, you’ll see!!” –Ariane Raymondo-Felton, possibly/allegedly.

FELTONEL BARIO, BRONX: Batten down the hatches!! Snowpocalypse 6: The Unstoppable Force is coming our way. My Bully Pulpit was bare until Wednesday when the sports news gods shined upon us. So this day, the 1st day of the third month in the two thousand and fourteenth year of our lord and savior, Yim (Clancy), we take a look back at the week that was: We will look at the following headliners: The Ryan Miller Trade, Ariane Raymondo-Felton, and Sandy Alderson’s contract extension.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention this bizarre conversation at my day job: A co-worker was unaware there was Women‘s hockey in the Winter Olympics that just ended. He asked me about how good these women are; could they beat the best High School Men‘s team in the country? I had to inform him of the skill and talent level of these ladies and said these women are not slouches – some are daughters and sisters of NHLers – they would mop the floor with a boy’s HS team, especially if it is on the big ice.

That was to be my only hockey story until yesterday’s Ryan Miller trade. Then it was just going to be a “wow” note to MTM colleague DJ Eberle in a “Wait…WHAT!?!” email. But apparently the official trade was Miller and Steve Ott to the Stanley Cup hopefuls and Cam James‘ St. Louis Blues, in exchange for goalie Jaroslav Halak, forward Chris Stewart, prospect William Carrier, a 2015 first-round pick and a 2016 fourth-round pick. That is a good trade for Buffalo, since they are going nowhere. But I feel for Sabres fans. Ryan Miller has come to embody American hockey, only possibly surpassed by the New York Rangers’ Ryan Callahan. For a blue collar city that actually loves hockey, unlike the baseball city that is St. Louis (don’t care if your second in the Western Conference), it hurts a bit. It hurts because a city that actually loves the game has lost Vice-Captain America to a city that isn’t hockey a city. Yet, for once in their miserable lives, Buffalo fans were classy in wishing Miller good luck and thanks. It is reminiscent of Bruins fans as they witnessed Ray Borque get traded to the Colorado Avalanche.

raymond felton and his wifeAriane Raymondo-Felton
The Raymond Felton v Ariane Raymondo-Felton story has been the talk of New York. 1) Her maiden name and his name are essentially his name. I almost spit out my coffee, and swore someone was making it up… Anyway, I said a couple weeks ago that young players can learn a lot from Derek Jeter on and off the field. Yet, this kid gets married while still playing and now is getting divorced after 19 months. In case you missed it, in the middle of a messy divorce, Mrs. Raymondo-Felton’s attorney brought a loaded gun belonging to Mr. Felton into the local police precinct. The gun was not registered in NY and now has Felton faces 3 felony charges. My mom once warned me: “A latin woman will cut you while you sleep.” This lady is Half-Italian, half-Haitian, which is just as bad – if not worse. Her heritage is of no-nonsense people that take loyalty and honor on a level higher than anglophones can grasp. You combine all of this and I would bet my Tom Landry hat that he got caught being unfaithful and she was out for blood. She is definitely crazy and seeking revenge but he deserves blame for marrying a crazy chick – look at those eyes and getting caught.

Sandy Alderson 1Sandy Alderson’s Extension
I want to confess something to you, I don’t listen to the weekly podcasts on the day they come out. I can read the articles on the trains but I often have to be above ground for the podcast, which I often forget about. Finally, I am catching up on the Meet The Matts Radio stuff and I hear that the Mets have given Sandy “Fracking” Alderson a contract extension. After the shock wears off, I am yelling, “Frack me!” I used to think weathermen had the best jobs in the world – because they were never held accountable. Those guys can promise 6 inches of snow and when nothing shows up, we blame Mother Nature and they keep their job for years – like Sam Champion! Anyway, I just don’t get what the hell Sandy’s milestones are. Every job I have had has had certain achievement goals and proof of progress reports. Where are Sandy’s?! I just don’t get it. I should be excited that the Mets are undefeated in the 2014 regular season (wink, wink), however, the King of Incompetence will make sure we make it a race… for finishing 3rd. Pass the morphine.

That is it for now, feel free to comment below and come back tomorrow for the one and only, Cheesy Bruin.

P.s… If you want to read more of my ramblings as a Rugby Guy, you can find them on and our Facebook Rugby Wrap Up Page and follow us on Twitter @RugbyWrapUp and @JunoirBlaber, respectively

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber