Wade Phillips, Knicks, Mejia, NBA All-Star Game, Monty Williams

Super_Pinky Meet_The_MattsEL BARRIO, LA BRONX – Although, the cold weather froze my Super Pinkys off this week and I would rather be under the comforter with a flask, I felt the need to step out in the cold climes of Mattville to write, since Short Matt had to fill-in the last two days. So, I’d rather freeze to death writing about Wade Phillips, Knicks, NBA All-Star Game, Monty Williams and Three Strikes Mejia, than have him bugging me.

NOTE FOR Bills fans like DJ Eberle and buffalobilly84: In following, swap Wade Phillips with Rex Ryan and Bum with Buddy and you will see who you hired and why it is doomed to fail.

Wade Phillips: West Coast Craig touched on this on Monday but lets give old Wade, a big round of applause. The reason I like Wade is that he is the son of a coach. His dad was Oail Andrew “Bum” Phillips. I don’t understand how he got the nickname Bum but the man took it in stride. My favorite Bum quote is, “There’s two kinds of coaches, them that’s fired and them that’s gonna be fired.” Wade took after his dad being a football coach. It is part of the reason, as a defensive coordinator, Wade is on the sidelines and not upstairs; because his daddy was on the sidelines and sent the assistants upstairs. Wade does the same. It took Wade a long time to accept headsets because his daddy never used them – so why did he need them? Either way, after his forced year out of football Wade came back to make the Bronco defense one of the best ever – and won the Super Bowl as a result. Wade will never be a head coach again, as he is too much of a player’s coach. He is the dad that lets his kids eat ice cream for breakfast. However, in the right scenario Phillips is on of the best defensive coordinators in the league.

“You can see me?!”

Segue on Phillips to Phil…

Knicks Fire Derek: Last year he was forgiven for the crap roster. But this year it was too much to bare for All-Everything Phil Jackson, so King Phillip disemboweled his friend/former player… or at least axed him. Apparently, Fisher decided to take a vacation with the ex-wife of former teammate and friend Matt Barnes. That woman must be Cleopatra incarnate to be worth ruining everything for.

Coaching Candidate: No one knows who the Knicks will get. Jackson prefers a guy he knows or at least runs the Triangle. The problem is the top 3 candidates don’t fit it. Luke Walton is a west coast guy and assistant coach of the Warriors, so he is not leaving that great ship for a disaster like the Knicks. And after being the interim coach, he can name his price and place… Tom Thibodeau couldn’t handle a superstar (Derrick Rose) and lost his locker room in Chicago, so he has no chance with Carmelo. The betting favorite is failed head coach Brian Shaw, who excites no one.

Mrs Adam JonesThe NBA All-Star Game: Boring; a Popularity Contest. This has been personified by Kobe Bryant becoming an All-star again for the 18th time. His shooting percentage is about as bad as mine this year but its his last season so suckers line-up to give him a lifetime achievement nomination.

Monty Williams: Not sure if it has made the rounds but former NBA player and #OKC assistant coach Monty Williams tragically lost his wife in a car accident the other night. Thankfully, 3 of his 5 kids who were in the car survived. There is nothing to say to mitigate a loss like that. Just to pray for the man and his family.

Sports Dummies: I will finish on these two boneheads, each dumb for a different reason… Jenrry Mejia became the first player to get a permanent ban for a 3rd positive PED test. Seriously? 3 times?! It’s like he thinks he is Wyle E. Coyote and MLB is the Roadrunnerand he has it all figured out each time… The second is Adam Johnson, who so disgusts me. I don’t want to get into it too much. Essentially, despite having a knockout for a wife (photo left), he was found to have been grooming a 15-yearold fan.

And on that note of disgust, I’ll end and ask that you comment below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and come back manana for El Cheesy Bruin and his bits of wisdom.

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About Junoir Blaber 575 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber