1986 Mets 30th Anniversary: On Camera w Howard Johnson and Son Glen

hojo_howard johnson Meet_The_MattsROCKLAND COUNTY, NY – With the 1986 World Champion Metsand their Amazin’ fans – celebrating the 30th Anniversary of that Marvelous (say it like Bob Murphy), we had the opportunity to speak with one of their key players, Howard Johnson, and his son Glen. Is a Hojo comeback in the cards? Will Glen get him out of retirement so they be the Griffeys Part Deux? Watch this one, taken from our Favorites List, and learn the answers to those questions and more, as they speak with Matt McCarthy.

That’s all for now. Please share your wisdom below, follow us on Twitter (@MeetTheMatts) and Facebook (Meet The Matts) and come back tomorrow for our ace, Angry Ward.

P.s… Thanks to Hojo, Glen and the Rockland Boulders, whom you should go see for a great night of baseball.

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www.MeetTheMatts.com started out as a NY Mets website and organically grew into an entity covering all professional sports. Our daily contributors, as diverse as they may be, share two important traits: -They toil for the "love of the game..." -They have a sense of humor. This is, after all, sports entertainment.