Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s A Helping of Thanksgiving Turkeys in Sports

Mets-Frazier-Frustration, Thanksgiving Turkeys in Sports, Meet_The_Matts

DUBLIN, IRELAND – En route to the airport last night for a red-eye to Dublin on a Buddy Pass (standby ticket given by an airline employee) yours truly was informed that DJ Eberle couldn’t go to day… something about a bad wing. Anywho, while it’s not Thanksgiving over here, per se, it is where most of you are, and I’d be remiss if there wasn’t something more for you to chew on today, so here’s A Helping of Thanksgiving Turkeys in Sports!

Mets-Frazier-Frustration, Thanksgiving Turkeys in Sports, Meet_The_MattsCarmelo Anthony: For some reason, I morph into Jackie Mason when I think of Melo. “You’re a schmuck, the biggest! Oy, what a putz!” And Mr. Mason would gagging on his gizzard if he saw Mr. Anthony wear out his welcome on hardwood floors everywhere, just for being… wait for it… a glutton. [Ba Doom Cha].  “Oy vey, that’s good!

Todd Frazier: There’s nothing more you want in a teammate than a .234 hitter giving umpires sh!t all the time. T-Fraze is that guy. Take a strike down the pipe and then wave at curve in the dirt? Ump’s fault. Pop-up to 1B on a 3-0 count? Umpires conspiring. This guy makes Ike Davis look like he had a clue in the box. When it comes to turkeys in baseball, everything about this guys is… fowl.

Mets-Frazier-Frustration, Thanksgiving Turkeys in Sports, Meet_The_Matts

Buck Showalter: Obscure selection? If so, it’s only because this bum of a Manager somehow skates under the radar.  You hear that, Rick Nash? His teams have arguably underachieved in Baldymore before absolutely stinking up every joint recently. What nudie pix does he have including Orioles Management. Collectively, these birdbrains need to be plucked. The Buck needs to stop here.

With that, we’ll end. Don’t want you to fill up before the big day of eating until your uncomfortably full… and then eating some. Plus, the laptop battery is about to die. Please leave your thoughts below and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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