NEW YORK, NY – With Derek Jeter back in the news for his Hall of Fame vote and Ben Whitney worshiping the Porcelain Gods with a vicious influenza of some sort, we’re at option #2 today for your sports Tuesday. But when life gives you snow, you throw snowballs at buses, right? With that, here is today’s headline: Two For Tuesday: Sports Stars Wearing #2

If ever someone should have worn #1, it’s The Captain. As a lifelong, bitter, bald Mets fan filled with Yankee Hate (TM), even someone like me has to like this guy. In fact, he’d be my #1 pick OVERALL if I were to build a team. It’s the intangibles. When it comes to baseball, Jetes is my Number One #2.
Sure, Al MacInnis, Eddie Shore, Viacheslav Fetisov and Doug Harvey were great you MUST skip right to the best American to have played in the NHL – so far. Sorry Joey Mullen. The only Yank to win the Conn Smythe Trophy as playoff MVP, he also claimed the Norris Trophy twice reached 1,000 points in his career, joining 7 other defensemen. PLUS… only three other D-Line guys scored f100 points in a season and 1,000 in his career. Dos is Uno.
Full disclosure, I’m doing this from memory and I’m not coming up with any significant #2s on the gridiron. Wait, was Fluite #22? Now I’m confused – like stated above – but that makes Matty Ice the pick by booze/concussion clouded recall. Plus the guy has some good numbers: 2016 NFL MVP, Offensive Player of the Year, 4X Pro Bowler and… he came in #2 to Tom Brady in the Super Bowl, after the Dirty Birds flew into a glass building.
Bigger names have worn the #2 but just for a couple of seasons. This guy, though, gets the nod because A) He was good enough to have his number retired by the Milwaukee Bucks and B) He turned $350,000 into a half-billion dollars selling 300 Wendy’s and Chili’s franchises. Why can’t our Junior Junoir [Blaber] be like that?!
And there you have it. I’ve got a #2 pending and must get to the lavatory.