NORTH POLE – Santa Bruin is back this week after trying to catch up on all the global wishes and orders piling up this time of year. After all, how much can one henpecked, overweight but still jolly, old white guy do? As a reminder to all, this is the Season of Giving and I’m laying these four presents under your tree or menorah; teams that are all GIVING points as Favorites. Let’s get this sled in the air with Cheesy Santa Bruin’s FREE NFL Picks & NFL Notes To Stuff Your Stocking With…

They say insanity is doing the same thing over and again and expecting a different result. Let’s throw caution to the wind – yet again – and drink from that same purple well that has been a kiss of death in selecting Angry Ward’s Vikings. Sorry Bud but they’re due as Krusty The Clown would lament. This is Minnesota’s final home game of a mediocre season but they find themselves in the hunt for the playoffs. The plodding Bears come in with quarterback play that makes Kirk Cousins look like Johnny U comparatively speaking. The Pick? MINNESOTA VIKING -3 over Chicago Bears
The second worst team (by a game)next to the J-E-T-S record wise are the Jacksonville Jaguars. A closer look at the Las Vegas odds this year tells another story—the Jags might be a way better team with a 6-7 record against the spread despite the 1-12 season. A lot of close call can wear on a group when they think they can’t clear the hurdle every week. Today, the wheels fall off. This is a tune up for Baltimore and time to get the machine moving for a playoff run. Start all your Ravens in fantasy football as well. The Pick? BALTIMORE RAVENS -13 over Jacksonville Jaguars

You’ve heard me complain very recently of the disconnect I have since COVID sh1t all over athletics. You can understand then when I tell you I was floored to find out the Lions have won 5 games. Wow! They canned their coach and still are competitive in it’s wake. Tennessee has made things tougher than they need them to be. They allow teams to hang around in games until the opposing defense grows tired of trying to bring down Derrick Henry and can no longer do so in the fourth quarter. Covering these large numbers has proven difficult but I get a VERY strong feeling today the Titans take the Cats to the wood shed. The Pick? TENNESSEE TITANS -9.5 over Detroit Lions
If you think Jalen Hurts will inject life into the Eagles the remainder of the season you’re dead wrong. His the supporting cast sucks. Don’t discount Kyler Murray taking a backseat to the media creating a story about his signal calling adversary. The Pick? ARIZONA CARDINALS -6.5 over Philadelphia Eagles