Joe Klecko vs Joe Flacco, Noah $Sin-dergaard, Steve Kerr

Sandy_Alderson, Steve Kerr, Joe Klecko, Joe Flacco, Noah Syndergaard, Mets, Meet_The_Matts, Matt-McCarthy, Rittenhouse

NEW YORK, NY  – You might think we should be talking about the Nets beating the Magic without two of their Big Three, using smoke-n-mirrors, simply because a full-strength Knicks team couldn’t top Orlando at MSG. We might’ve gone the path of Cleveland Baseball Team making The Guardians their official nickname… but we didn’t/aren’t. Instead, on your trip down Main Street in Mattsville, you find just three open store windows to browse: Joe Klecko vs Joe Flacco, Noah $Sin-dergaard, Steve Kerr

Joe Klecko vs Joe Klecko

This is not the next big #WWE event. It’s not an aging Mark Gastineau type looking for one last shot in the limelight. It’s also not about a former NY Jets great (there were about 4) mouthing off about the current iteration of a team he made the Pro Bowl for… at THREE different positions. No, it’s simply a case of yours truly thinking of Joe Klecko EVERY TIME I hear Joe Flacco’s name. But any way to get the warrior that is Joe Klecko some airtime is a good thing.

Noah $Sin-dergaard

Athletes doing damage control is increasingly more difficult to witness; one can’t help but feel awkward for them. The latest effort to catch the eye is the one being perpetrated by Noah Syndergaard. He’s spinning the heartbreak and radio silence yarns simultaneously. He’s sprinkling in a little management uncertainty in for more flavor. That’s why he took the 21 million other reasons to leave for the Angels. Here’s the thing, though: He pitched two innings in 2 years for the team that paid him mega millions during a rather disappointing tenure, replete with trips to the IL. That teams, despite his “concerns,” offered him 18 million reasons to stay and live up to being Thornot just looking like him. That’s $9,000,000.00 per inning as per your recent output. That’s what we call, “generational wealth,” Noah. Does 3 million make that much of a difference in that stratosphere? You would have made close to that on Madison Avenue with advertisement deals. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Noah.

Steve Kerr

Will Coach Kerr’s endorsement deals dry up now? That’s the first thing – maybe second – thing I thought after seeing Angry Ward’s Golden State Warriors’ skipper weigh in on the #Rittenhouse verdict. He is, after all, as white as all but one of the jury members. What? Too soon? That’s just an observation, folks. It  actually doesn’t even factor in, as the victims were all white. But we are so knee-jerk a society that I could have left it at that and started a riot. Yet we digress… Here’s what Kerr said:

That’s all for today. Please feel free to comment below and come back tomorrow for new contributor, Hubit Chacokoff… and have a look at this, please…

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.