How ANALytics Screwed Judge’s Season: Aristotle Weighs In?

BRONX, NY – 62 homeruns is the new 73, according to these so-called WOKE fans of America. Forget the fact that Sammy Sosa hit 63, 64, and 66 in three different seasons, or Mark McGwire did 70 and 65, it’s all about the people’s choice and Judge is the chosen one.

Barry Bonds dubbed 73 in 2001 for the single-season record, but try selling that to the public, who accused Sosa, McGwire and Bonds of using steroids. Yes, McGwire has admitted it, while Sosa used the “I know speak English,” line. Bonds, like his trainer, Greg Anderson, who did prison time for remaining mute, is still in denial.

Where am I going with this old news?

Absolutely nowhere. The real crime here is Judge’s place in the batting order. For most of the season number 99 was batting either one or two in the starting lineup.

The morons who are employed by the N.Y. Yankees dictate who bats where in their ANALytically produced lineup, before they hand it over to the so-called manager Aaron Boone. These screwballs probably never played any type of organized sport or ever heard of Earl Weaver.

Weaver was the famed Baltimore Orioles manager who lived for the three run home run. For Weaver a solo homer was a waste, unless it was a walk-off. By having Judge bat one or two in the order, most of his homers were a waste.

Out of the 62 home runs that Judge hit in his walk year 41 of them were solo blasts. That means 41 times he stepped on home plate only to give a high-five to the upcoming batter. No other players, who could have been on base, were near the home plate area to celebrate with Judge. A solo homer will do that to one.

Aristostle “Mugsy” Sakellaridis

Not to take anything away from Judge’s outstanding season but in all reality he should have had much more runs batted in than 131. For the price of 62 blasts he easily should have had over 150 sprinkles.

But no, the ANALytics morons made sure that one r.b.i. was enough. Judge got gypped just like everybody else in America does, when we go into our pockets to pay the cashier. The raise we got on our paycheck is unnoticeable when we have to pay double for any product we purchase in these times of inflation

I guess in addition to strikeouts and batting averages not mattering, we’ll have a new theory added to the game, runs batted in don’t mean a thing.

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About Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis 139 Articles
Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis is the junkiest of baseball junkies. He plays in 4 leagues, well past his 40th birthday, and spends the winter in Florida shagging flies at Yankees minor league complexes. He's also a retired Riker's Island Corrrection Officer - having worked the night shift for 20+ years.