DENVER, CO – Yesterday I attended the best high school football game I have ever seen. Air Force beat Navy 13- 10. [cue joke drum]. It is quite a shame that the service academies can’t put on better talent, but I get it. Why sign up to go to a really difficult school with no access to cheap hookers and the potential of being sent down range when you can go to just about anywhere else. For this I salute the cadets service and their hard work. I do not, however, salute their football skill.
Holy cow! As I write this, Dansby Swanson just made half of New York throw their remotes at the TV. Scherzer left that ball in a place where even I could hit it.
Starting off the sixth is Mr. Superstar, prospect Alvarez. His presence with the team confounds me. Why would you bring up the big bat for the big series now? Was he not good enough in May or August? Oh, wait... Announcers just made clear he was injured. This paragraph is now moot… No! No it isn’t! If he is worth having up now then he was worth having up the entire season. If the Mets lose the division will the front office be questioning how many games they would have won if he was in the bigs in April? I have no idea. I just know he looked off balance at the plate. OHHHH!!! Olson hits a dinger!
Pete Alonso comes up in a big spot. Fly-out chasing a ball out of the zone early in the count. Opportunity wasted for the Mets. I don’t know what it is but I bet Pete hits about .148 with runners on base. He only scored 91 of his 492 base-runners this year.

What just happened?! Ronald Acuna just brain-farted so hard something probably came out and soiled his britches. This is what is wrong with the game. No one can run the bases because they are either trotting around them or not on them. I hate Home Run Baseball. Subsequent frame and another out makes my point. Instead of McNeil grounding out weakly, why not let the lefty contact guy bunt for a hit? And Escobar looked like he couldn’t even hit a cow if it was tied down. Alvarez looked even worse.
What are my Mizzou Tigers doing? What is this time-warp-score of 19-9, Mizzou?
Petersen is on the bump. Showalter has given up on the game. Mets lose.
Mizzou is Mizzou. Tigers lose.
Leave your stream-of-consciousness thoughts below and come back tomorrow for jubilant Jets/Mets/Man City fan, Junoir Blaber.