Is Being a Fan Worth It? Is Rangers, Mets Rollercoaster Too Much?

Matt HarveyNEW YORK, NY – While anxiously flipping channels non-stop from the Rangers fighting the Big Bad Caps at a worried-sick Madison Square Garden, to Matt Harvey trying to will his AAAA Mets to a win (and stave off a potential season-ending spiral) in a March-like Chicago, one question begged to be answered: Is Being a Fan Worth It?

It’s certainly not relaxing. After a long day of work, worrying about bills, taking care of loved ones, etc., this is not the kind of channel surfing that calms or acts as a respite from all the life stuff on that list. In fact, it’s just the opposite. It adds stress. Overtime for the Rangers was determined just as Carlos #@%&! Torres blew Harvey’s win because Terry Collins couldn’t manage a frown at a funeral.  And you just knew (at least this writer knew) that the Blueshirts would follow suit in the Life-sucking Department.

And now, technology adds to the angst. From texts from Islander fans making fun of the President’s Trophy, to Tweets (as sports pundits, Twitter is a necessary evil) and a back and forth in emails with a good friend living in L.A. but still a dyed-in-the-wool Caps fan (he’s from D.C. and his initials are D.C.), it was like getting yelled at constantly by 10 people for liking something you shouldn’t.

messierMets Update: During the 50th icing of the overtime, flicked back to see Familia with the bases loaded with Cubbies and 1 out. Quickly turned it back to the Garden Party. NOT watching any more of that!

And we do this for what? It’s been so long since the Mets played any meaningful games – and after last night’s latest debacle it looks as if there won’t be any this year – that the joy of winning is no longer in the memory banks.

As for the Rangers, the minute pundits started calling them favorites to win the Stanley Cup, the pressure of that expectation infected us fans – likely more than the players.

Well, except one…

Ovechkin Loses Meet_The_Matts
Ovie is a helluva player; the Caps’ Matt Harvey. But he ain’t Messier.

While Alex Ovechkin may seem more Ewing than Messier right now, he’s still the Best Villain in Sports. Possibly ever. Why? Because he plays both sides of the ice with a lethal combination of surreal skill, meanness and ferocity; the stuff of Mark Messier. Unlike Mess, though, his cast is not as strong. He can only do so much. You hear that, Matt Harvey? Get out of Dodge when you can, kid! Seaver did… Yet, we digress… Give me Ovechkin for the Rangers and I’ll give you Nash, Yandle and Zuccarello.  He’s the Reggie Jackson of hockey.

Doc Emrick doesn’t help. There is no doubt that he is the absolute best at calling a hockey game. In fact, he could make soccer exciting. Sans question. But when your team is facing season-ending elimination on every shot, you don’t want him reminding you of each play’s urgency – on every urgent play. But he sucks you in with his lyrical genius. The fiancee, who knows nothing about sports, said, “This is so stressful, he keeps making it sound like a goal on every shot!You can die now, Doc.

And just when Doc, Terry and Carlos #@%&! Torres had us swearing off rooting for our teams, goddamn Derek Stepan puts the series-winner through The Great Wall of Holtby like Stefan Matteau, Jr., propelling us out of our seats in celebratory jubilation… or is it jubilatory celebration?

Just like that, that entirely appropriate question was answered.

2015-05-13 23.35.23

Derek Stepan

And so it begins again.

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tomorrow for a man that will still be nursing the hangover from last night, Different Matt.

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About Matt McCarthy 381 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.