NL Beast? Bryce Harper, Beefed-Up Phils, Young Braves, Maybe Mets

NL Beast? Bryce Harper, Beefed-Up Phils, Young Braves, Maybe Mets
Credit: Howard Fendrich, Nick Wass AP and The Intelligencer

WASHINGTON, DC – The irony is that the headline doesn’t represent the team this post originates from, the Washington Nationals… and they are pretty good on paper, too. Do we suddenly have Major League Baseball’s best division in the National League East?! Are we looking at the NL Beast, what with Bryce Harper & his Beefed-Up Phils, a stampede of Young Braves, and the Maybe Mets? Let’s have a look-see and see if we can’t answer these burning Baseball in March questions.

Credit: Howard Fendrich, Nick Wass AP and The Intelligencer

Phillies: Okay, 465 feet is a long way. A ball hit that far would’ve cleared Death Valley in Joe DiMaggio’s Stankee Stadium. And that’s how far Bryce Harper hit his first homer as a member of the Philthydelphia Philthys.

“It was really cool. Definitely one of the cooler homers I’ve ever hit. Just the fan base, just the stadium, the electricity we had in this place, it all came together.” – B. Harper

With 22-HR guy Maikel Gorbachev Franco (pick your dictator) hitting 8th and THE GUY ALL METS FANS WANTED, J.T. Realmuto – and Silver Slugger – behind the dish, the City of Brotherly Love has much to be loving about… until ANY of the above goes 1-10. CLICK THIS for the dinger.

Oh and Rhys Hoskins said he couldn’t hear himself think in the on-deck circle as Harper circled the bases. Does one ever hear themselves think? 

Maybe tight red onesie wasn’t the right choice?

Young Braves: When you root for the NY Mets, it seems as though every other team rebuilds overnight. The Bravos are one of those teams. With a young core and of pro’s-pro Freddy Freeman leading from the front, they will compete. NL Beast? Bryce Harper, Beefed-Up Phils, Young Braves, Maybe MetsSure they are getting smacked around this week, but two of their starters and a bullpen stud are all coming back of the DL soon. It’s not the David List, which Mets fans are so accustomed to. Anywho, this pundit can’t stand the Altanta Braves for many reasons – mainly Tom Glavine – so none of their young talent will get any further lip-service here.

Maybe Mets: The Amazins have so many question marks to list. For them to still be standing and raising their hand(s) as contenders, EVERYTHING must go their way (like any small market, no-budget team). But they actually may have some decent young players AND more importantly – allow them to play over wet blanket/sh!t players like Todd Frazier, who is on the David List with Yoenis Cespedes (remember him?) and The Beverly Hillbilly’s own, Jed Lowrie.

Miami Jeters: The only thing you need to know about the Marlins is that they took tasteless fashion/decor to a new high – and won despite it last night – with these absurdly bad jerseys. Hey, we know your fish can’t swim in this stream but making the name unreadable is just admitting it.

That’s all for now, feel free to weigh in below and come back tomorrow for Monday Morning QB, Junoir Blaber.



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