KANSAS CITY, MO – While we wait for an excuse-ridden Junoir Blaber to cobble together another tardy Monday Morning QB piece, we’ve got some bits to keep you from forgetting us this Super Bowl Monday, as you fight back the vomit: Trump’s Kansas Hangover. Mets Win Lombardi
POTUS v KANSAS: This is no knock on knock the great state of Kansas (yes it is), but President Trump’s slight of Missouri by congratulating the great state of Kansas is a bit giggly, no? Thing about tweets, Mr. President, is that even if you delete them, it’s a good chance somebody – like everybody – got a screenshot of your Presidential grasp of this nation’s geography. See, there are places outside of NYC, the Jersey golf club and West Palm Beach. Fire somebody today or accuse Bernie Sanders of not being Jewish to deflect. That’s our suggestion. And hey, at least you didn’t type Chefs! #GreatGooglyMoogly
METS WIN LOMBARDI – Not only did a Mets fan hoist the Vince Lombardi Trophy, he’s also the f’n Super Bowl MVP. Patrick Lavon Mahomes II is as smooth and cool as it gets and damn it, we like the guy. Granted, we like him a whole lot more because he has the same affinity for orange -n- blue that some of here have, but still, he’s someone to root for. PLUS, the last time the Chiefs won the Big Game, the Mets won the World Series! Oh, happy days!
And God bless Cam “Hillbilly” James today, his Blues and Chiefs pulled off the collective brace!

Happy Days Are Here Again!
Feel free to comment below and check for the Monday Morning Sports Rain Man, who will be in need of an editor, later.