BLOOMINGBURG, NY – It’s a rough morning on two fronts, as I experience a double hangover. One is from booze and the other is from… FOOD! Hold on tight JGClancy (our fan foodie), before we get to Cheesy Bruin’s FREE NFL Picks, let me expound.
There’s this specialty Italian pork store that’s also a full service deli with lots of dishes from my motherland, and more locally-specific to Calabria. That’s Italy. Since that softball-sized tumor was removed from my throat, I’m replacing the void with various food cravings a third-trimester-pregnant-women would be jealous of. First was an Italian hero with all the meat: mortadella, prosciutto, sopressata & Genoa salami, along with fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, oil & vinegar and Italian seasoning. A full sub was $18 but worth every penny. My only regret? Sharing half of it my my lady – and this is after she footed the bill at the deli (click this). It was that frogging delicious! PBR’s washed it down but I couldn’t leave the bag of goodies alone. Zucchini flowers and battered deep fried squash were next. A short time later it was the arancini (“rice balls,” as you WASPS call them) with some leftover sauce I made.

I’m still waiting for the results from the medical community on whether it’s a food hangover or coma but damn it was good eats. There’s still a container each of marinated stuffed peppers and a mozzarella and tomato salad and a loaf of Italian bread for today. Updates to follow… Oh, yeah. Now for THE PICKS. Last week 2-2. 5-3 on the season.
Here’s looking to 9-3…
I’m not falling for this one today! There’s an 0-2 team at home that has fared disastrously in their first two games, playing a 2-0 team. But the team with the two wins is an underdog? Don’t fall into this trap being set by the oddsmakers! The Bears aren’t exactly the 1985 version and the Falcons have shown the after-affects of blowing a 25-point Super Bowl lead never to recover. Today for a brief moment they can feel good about themselves. The Pick? ATLANTA FALCONS -3 over Chicago Bears
I almost shat myself watching everyone’s favorite team pull a game out of their asses after recovering the first onsides kick in a hundred years and ending in Greg Zeurlein’s winning boot. The Cowboys will be at it again today and while I feel confident they can win this game, I’m certainly not passing up the handful of points I’m getting in the process. Pundits need to get off of Russell Wilson’s schlong. It’s only two games, fer cripe’s sake. Let’s not forget the Seahawks had trouble containing Scam Newton last week and Dak Prescott has a similar skill set to test their defense again. The Pick? Dallas Cowboys +5 over SEATTLE SEAHAWKS
That’s it. I’m about to start stuffing my face and drinking non-stop again, so I’ll end here. Leave your thoughts below and come back tomorrow for Honorary Calabrian… Junoir Blaber.
Nom, nom, nom!