Steve Cohen, MLB Hot Stove, Japan’s Babe Ruth, Puck Droppings

NEW YORK, NY – Perhaps on some post Turkey Day tryptophan trip, Mets owner Steve Cohen was in the headlines for ranting, along with Japan’s MLB Hot Stove, Japan’s Babe Ruth, Puck Droppings.

Steve Cohen

Not having yet MET him, it’s impossible to say what the new Mets’ owner is like. One can only speculate. And the speculation here is that he is part George Steinbrenner and part Donald Trump, with a sprinkling of our Angry Ward thrown in for good measure. JG Clancy Oakland A's podium, Meet-The-MattsRich, impulsive and angry will get you far in this world but it will also leave you open to getting the shaft. That’s what exactly what ex-Met Steven Matz and his agent slipped Cohen after an alleged agreement that would have brought the 2021 14-7 pitcher back to NYC. When Team Matz used that agreement’s terms to negotiate a better deal with Cam James’ Cardinals, Cohen blasted them on Twitter. This was after the Mets did managed two solid acquisitions – outfielders Starling Marte (thanks to JG Clancy’s A’s) and Mark Canha and infielder Eduardo Escobar. But rants in the press – especially on social media – may make player signings more difficult and/or more expensive. Us poor slobs that are Mets fans are still in Cohen’s corner, but Jesus H Alou… we are worried.

It’s not terribly douchey, but it’s enough to cause concern.

Japan’s Babe Ruth

This Shohei Otani guy can play some baseball, can’t he? He’s larger than life on the field, while his new teammate, Noah Syndergaard is larger off of it. [Zing!] #OhSnap… Anywho, he is the only reason to root for the expanded inter-league play and the best thing about baseball on the entire west coast – even better than Seattle and Mike Trout. Now that he is rightfully the AL MVP, the question is: Why did Ichiro get first-name status and Otani doesn’t/didn’t?

And now to Bob with hockey…

Puck Droppings

The NJ Devils, it appears, have a sense of humor. After taking heat for their new alt uniforms – the ones with Jersey across the front – they didn’t cough the puck up. Instead, they counter-attacked with verve… and wit. See, the joke was that they had Jersey on a jersey, so why not not Pants on their pants. The organisation (Canadian spelling) countered with putting hat out with just Hat on in it – for charity. Well done, Devils. You still suck, though.

New York Rangers

The Blueshirts continue to surprise(?) many of us, while downright delighting yours truly. Case in point: dismantling Cheesy Bruin’s Boston side yesterday. The Broadway Blues blew the Bruins out of the house, scoring three times to break a 2-2 deadlock. Nice. In your face, Cheeseman.

That’s all for now, please leave your droppings below and come back tomorrow for Grinding Ax Walt and his stellar FREE NFL Picks.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.