Amazin’ Fan Catch, Hurricane Hank (aka Henry Davis), Stanks vs Mutts For Wooden Spoon

Henry Davis, MLB, Rumble Ponies, Mets Fan Catch, Yankees, Mets, Meet-The-Matts, Matt McCarthy, Google Alerts, #MeetTheMatts #GoogleAlerts

NEW YORK, NY – With pretty much our entire staff completely ignoring the MTM Google Calendar and taking simultaneous vacations, yours truly is back on the bump after logging 231 pitches this week already! But hey, pitch-counts are for sissies and yours voraciously can always muster up some sports stuff. With that, here’s today’s slate: Amazin’ Fan Catch, Hurricane Hank (aka Henry Davis), Stanks vs Mutts For Wooden Spoon

Amazin’ Fan Catch

Some Amazin’ things happened during yesterday’s matinee between the Pirates and Mets. On that list are/were the Metsies winning the game, so they are now ONE GAME BETTER than Pittsburgh (they entered the contest with the same record). Another was the really cool catch by a lanky teen, who called upon his inner Derek Jeter, risking life and limb, while crashing into seats.

Have a look by clicking this.

Or this:

Either way, “NICE SNATCH!”

Hurricane Hank (aka Henry Davis)

Another REALLY AMAZIN’ thing that happened in that very game was my New York Rugby Club teammate’s son, Henry Davis, taking the field for the Bucs. Chris Davis was an exceptional rugby player but I don’t ever recall seeing him throw-up, much less throw a baseball. Henry must take after his mom… Normally a starter, Hurricane Hank (nautical nickname as per him being a Pirate)  he was given a breather yesterday, but walked in the 9th as a pinch-hitter. It was a more-difficult-than-it-should-have-been walk, as home plate umpire Mr. Magoo called two clear balls as strikes. They must have sounded like strikes because he certainly didn’t see them…  Adam Ottavino couldn’t capitalize on those calamitous calls, though, and Double H (Hurricane Hank-based attempt at another nickname) trotted down to first base… I’m yet to see him play in person, but it feels as though he’s family and my missus is from Pittsburgh, so stay tuned! Either way, absolutely thrilled for the young Mr. Davis and his proud parents. Well done.

Stanks vs Mutts For Wooden Spoon

In rugby, the worst team in a competition gets the Wooden Spoon. The [not very] Amazins are now 9 games behind the Stankees in the race for NYC’s version of the Wooden Spoon, which does give us Tri-State area sports fans something to cling to in this otherwise lost MLB season. It would hold even more stakes, however, if Major League Baseball adopted the Promotion/Relegation that is used in pro soccer and rugby overseas. That’s when the team that finishes last in the top league is replaced by the best team in the lower league. Imagine the Stanks being replaced by the Rumble Ponies! Ah… one can dream, right?!

That’s it for me… feel free to comment below and we’ll see you back here tomorrow.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.