Politics and Sports: Donald Trump, Michigan Wolverines, Ohio State Buckeyes, Nate Ebner

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Politics and Sports: Uncle Sam, Beer-Pong and Donald Trump.

NEW YORK, NY – With the unenviable task of filling a flu-ridden Angry Ward’s shoes at hand, understandably no hands were raised when Management asked for a volunteer pinch-hitter. So yours truly is taking challenge. And since Donald Trump, Michigan Wolverines and the Ohio State Buckeyes have been linked in the headlines this week – in truly unfortunate fashion – we’ll be meshing Politics & Sports today. Briefly.

The Twitter-verse exploded simultaneously with vitriol and kind words re the events that unfolded on the Ohio State campus. Shortly after a disgruntled Muslim student drove his car into pedestrians, stabbed more and was subsequently killed by a fast-acting young policeman, who fired only 3 shots, things got crazier than usual on the Internet. And disturbing. Here’s the one that got this pundit especially uneasy:

And he followed it with this after getting hammered by those of us out there with a few marbles left:

And the Ohio State madness comes in step with the drunken nitwit on the Delta flight yelling down everyone in the name of President-elect Trump.


This guy was so drunk he missed hands in his clapping and was left on the flight? What would have happened if he looked like Aasif Hakim Mandviwala, who actually uses Aasif Mandvi as an alias? He’d get a game misconduct for sure, no? You bet. We could likely get away with “…given him the business,” as well. And if you really want to see more absurdity, check out the vile tweets directed at Ohio Governor John Kasich. He’s been labeled responsible for the incident for allowing Somali Muslims into Ohio. Really. And this guy, whether you agree with is politics or not, seems like a decent human being and qualified representative. Hell, he’s held nearly as many offices as almost-VP Tim Kaine, who said he was saddened by the “senseless act of gun violence” at Ohio State University. Hey Tim, the attacker used a butcher knife and a car.

We are doomed, people.

So… here we are, left with sports fans losing any decorum or human decency, while forcing political rhetoric and hyperbole into our world of sports entertainment, and simply bringing the end of civilization that much closer. George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln and Harry Truman are cringing someplace.

What was the point of this piece, you rightfully ask? Well, it’s a call for everyone to step away from their keyboards. It’s a call for considering what you say or post might not be the smartest of choices. It’s a call for all of us to exercise some patience and understanding, but at the same time, let the loudmouths know if you don’t agree with them. And finally, it’s a call for President-elect Donald Trump to lead by a better example, because right now, he ain’t.

But we can’t leave you in complete despair on this final day of Movember. After all, this is a sports comedy site, right? With that, here’s our favorite all-time Buckeye, Nate Ebner, on-camera with our partners at RugbyWrapUp.com. Nate plays with the New England Patriots, while managing to go for Gold in Rio with the USA Rugby team. And you can’t even drag yourself out for a 2-mile jog three times a week. Pfft.

That’s all for this week. Please feel free to comment below and come back tomorrow for Buddy Diaz. And please follow us on Twitter, @Angry_Ward & @MeetTheMatts and like our Facebook page, Meet The Matts.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off, RugbyWrapUp.com, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.