“What is the point of having new ownership if the boob who sunk the franchise to bush league depths gets to stay in charge? – Replacement Matt
GROUNDHOG DAY, PA – Winter is waning, spring is just around the corner, birds are chirping and a Chinese Hoax is taking hold. Pitcher and Catchers have reported and the MLB season is just around the corner. In an effort to speed up the game and get the short-attention-spanned-youth back in the fold the commissioner has added some new rules to this coming season. Let’s review and retort.
First off, MLB has added a player to rosters, making them 26. This rule makes total sense, especially since I have been advocating for additional roster spots for a while now, seeing how bullpens gets deployed. However, a team in now limited on how many pitchers they can carry and further, the 10-day IL for pitchers is gone and they must stay on the list for 15 days. I guess this is giving some to get some so I’m not going to object too much to this. Limiting how you can utilize your roster spots seems a bit ridiculous and over-reaching by the league office. What is the purpose of this rule?
The second rule change is the minimum of three batters faced rule (unless the inning ends) for relief pitchers. I get the thought behind this one, as the late inning pitching changes can get a bit excruciating. But still, if you have a lefty specialist, he is basically useless if he cant get righties out. He can only be used with two outs. Another serious over-reach and I’m surprised the players union allowed for this one to happen. Will be very interesting to see how this rule plays itself out.
Additionally, the newly proposed playoff expansion is also badly in need of tweaking. 14 teams is too many especially since the only real advantage goes to the overall best record winner who gets a bye out of the wild card round. The other top teams get to pick their opponents and play a three game set at home. I agree the one game and your out format for the current wild card is a but lame, but why not just make that game a three game series and leave it at that.
In other news…
The Wilpons, not surprisingly, sh*t the bed on a sale to Met fan who wanted to assume immediate control over how his money would be spent. Seems the deal fell through when the five years of control for Jeffy boy would not be as a figurehead. He actually wanted to stay in total control and wanted to get a top job with the new ownership in place. No wonder Cohen walked away. What is the point of having new ownership if the boob who sunk the franchise to bush league depths gets to stay in charge? Basically, Jeff said “This is all I can do, so I gotta stay on board.” Well, I think he could probably come up with something to do with his portion of the multi-billion dollar deal. Maybe take up golf or making trinkets for sale on Etsy, buy a pony or literally anything but ruin my beloved franchise for eternity. TheĀ Wilpons will never ever leave us, they will linger like a stain on our fandom for ever. We are doomed.
Come back tomorrow for more from our own fearless leader Short Matt, with his comic stylings that has been wowing the borscht belt for days.