BLOOMINGBURG, NY – Angry Ward is responsible for today’s seed of thought after his stellar column the other day and yes, food is always the perfect distraction for what ails society. Food is universal and breaking bread nourishes the heart, body and soul. We should all get together and do so more often (MTM Holiday Party? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge). However, this is a sports website and like Ward I’m tying in grub, no matter how loosely it fits into athletics.First, let me tell you about Angry Ward’s dad. A man with smooth baritone pipes, he had a voice made for an easy listening jazz station. Don’t be fooled though, because he had this imposing underlying bit of an intimidating feature that almost certainly served him well in his Naval boxing days. He was a welcoming sweetheart of a man with witty retorts that his boys have carried on since. Any man who sneaks unhealthy ballpark fare for himself and his offspring behind mom’s back is aces in my book.
Hot dogs and Elio’s Frozen Pizza are all about profit margin, whether we’re talking about the 1970’s or the present. The only exception is the increasing greed which sports ownership makes the masses pay for this sh*t. Eight dollars for a twenty-five cent wiener is ridiculous. It’s a wonder that sports venues never sold Ramen Noodles given the limitless price markup they’d beat us over the head for such.

Okay… Let’s take a moment to give you what you likely came for, Week #6 of Cheesy Bruin’s FREE NFL Picks.

Here are Biscuit’s Four-Dog NFL Special:
–TAMPA BAY BUCS +1 over Green Bay Packers
–BUFFALO BILLS +4.5 over Kansas City
–Cleveland Browns +3.5 over PITTSBURGH STEELERS
–JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS +3 over Detroit Lions
It’s all about dogs from this point on. Middletown, NY is ten miles from my locale and sixty miles from the city and is oddly enough a gustatory destination. I’ve written about the Italian Pork Store/Deli in this town of transplanted city folk and is the reason for the smattering of excellent vittles here. And then there’s this little hole in the wall joint called Holy Dog on Main Street. The entrepreneur is of South American descent and only serves hot dogs and assorted sausages (kielbasa and chorizo) with some free unlimited toppings and others at a buck a clip (bacon, pickled onions, creamy poblano remoulade and chili, to name a few) for you to build your own.
There’s also some signature dogs that a freaking killer!!! For $4.75 per dog or $5.95 with a side of fresh cut French fries, the following specialties are still a bargain: Danish Dog (remoulade, mustard. ketchup, pickles and crispy onions), Chilean Dog which I have had (sauerkraut, avocado, chipotle mayo, ketchup and mustard) and, Southwestern (chorizo, melted cheese, refried beans and salsa). If the aforementioned doesn’t wow you there are a few others which I highly recommend: French Kielbasa (sauteed onions and apples with melted brie) or the Polish Hawaiian (sauteed onions and pineapple with mustard).
This joint does one thing and does it to an elevated level, as a line forms before opening at 11 a.m. daily. Non-COVID hours used to be 11-5 but are scaled back to three in the afternoon now. It’s a great business model; short hours, long on profits and he’s closed on Sunday.
And with that, I’m closing down this article. Feel free to chime in below re food, the NFL or the AL Champion Tampa Bay Rays or the Dodgers vs Braves.