NEW YORK, NY – Admittedly, yours truly was a ass over teakettle this weekend, rising in the wee hours to watch the Rugby World Cup quarterfinals in Japan. That included being at the Pig N Whistle [insert Angry Ward wisecrack here] at 6AM on Saturday morning. That was followed by working the Notre Dame vs Iona Saturday afternoon. Sunday was an even earlier start, with Wales vs France kicking off at 3:15 AM, followed by the upstart host Japanese vs South Africa. Without getting back to bed, things got a bit fuzzy and reality was blurred. But… I’m pretty sure, though, that my take on the following is accurate:
Mickey Callaway Kills Giants – Watching the New York Football Giants hand the St. Louis Phoenix Arizona Cardinals a win and a Best Defense Ever nomination was surreal. 8 sacks and 3,657 QB pressures made it seem like the Giants offensive line was point-shaving. There is NO OTHER EXPLANATION. On top of that, add the coaching of Pat Shurmur, whose body must have been taken over by Mickey Callaway. The mind-numbing moves, forgot-to-study, & out-of-his-depth facial expressions eerily hearkened those of the recently-dismissed #Mets skipper. And like the Amazins’, the Jints had every opportunity to steal this sloppy and forgettable waste of 3 hours. Down by three with a 3rd and 18 situation in the waning minutes, there’s the draw play. It was supposed to be the Statue of Liberty call, but everyone in the huddle was stunned beyond rational thought. It was like Callaway letting his starting pitcher, Jason Vargas, hit in the top of the 5th with 1 out and the sacks juiced, yet not allowing him to pitch the bottom of the 5th. “I didn’t want to burn a pinch-hitter there.” Shurmur could have answered any of the befuddled media’s questions with that quote and made more sense. Oh, and Mike Vaccaro may have “borrowed” our Tweet yesterday.
Michael, Michael, Michael. C’mon, guy.
But speaking of the Mets…
BRODIE VAN’S DEFINING MOMENT: After a year of the aforementioned Callaway and having his first year as a GM in the books, Brodie Van Wagenen is about to pick his own Manager. The finalists are Joe Girardi, Carlos Beltran, Eduardo Perez and Tim Bogar. Let’s see, one expensive guy and three that would take a METro Card, a Dunkin Donuts gift certificate and a Mama’s of Corona t-shirt. The Wilpons will push for anyone but Girardi, but Brodie has convinced them to spill some mothballs and open the their wallets before, so it’s likely on him. But hey, an agent-turned-first-year-GM certainly deserves to be a MLB puppeteer, right? Watch, it will be Perez… unless Van Wags is an adult about this.
J-E-T-S LOSE TO PATRIOTS – Can you simply bet a win and not the point-spread on NFL games? If so, lay down 90% of your savings on New England tonight. Bill Belichick vs Adam Gase. [giggle]. That’s all we need to say for that one.
And there you have it. Please feel free to comment below and be sure to come back tomorrow for Big Ben Whitney, who is never fuzzy about his sports talk and has great calves.