Pyrrhic Victories: No Mets Hurt This Weekend, Kevin Durant Uses Twitter, Bauer’s No-No

AUSTIN, TX – They know a thing or two about Pyrrhic victories down here, particularly when it comes to this damned  COVID-19 thingy. Some would say the Alamo was one such win for Mexico. That was then and this is now, though, and Texas has declared victory in the battle with The Rona and the state is open! But at what cost? Rest easy/easily, however, this is not about the divisive collision of science and politics. Instead, it’s about sports. Let’s get to the headline topics: Pyrrhic Victories: No Mets Hurt This Weekend, Kevin Durant Uses Twitter, Bauer’s No-No

No Mets Hurt This Weekend

Great Caesar’s Ghost! Only the New York Mets could have this happen to them. In case you missed it, the Mets vs Nationals , and all it’s Opening Day glory, got canceled because of COVID. No other visiting team had this happen to them. Only the Mets. Is there some kind of Bill Buckner Curse hovering over this franchise? One has to wonder, as they haven’t won since Buckner and Calvin Shiraldi handed them their last championship. But hey, us Mets fans can revel in the winning notion that no Mets will get hurt this weekend!

Kevin Durant Uses Twitter

A knock on superstar professional athletes is that they are not accessible, that they are above the rest of us. Well, Kevin Durant, and the below-mentioned guy that is also on today’s docket (see below), are proving that to be a thing of the past! Heck, if being social is defined by being on social media, Durant is proving to more game show host, than ring-fenced, coddled athlete. BUT… he probably might want to be a little less social/accessible than he was with [annoying] actor Michael Rappaport.

Perhaps he thought he was replying to James Dolan in some crosstown Battle of the Crazies? Just throwin’ that out there.

Speaking of accessible crazies and throwing…

Bauer’s No-No

Close, but no cigar? Trevor Bauer, who is like Durant in his accessible-but-not-so-wise use of social media, came close to making history, according to many media outlets. Apparently, they stopped watching after the 6th inning. I saw the the 7th inning. That was the one in which Coors Field and the Rockies caught up T.B. and knocked him around like Eli Manning behind the Giants offensive line for the final five years of his career. Yeah, Bauer got the win but if he has to face headlines like those out there today, that paint him better than he is/was… good luck. He has to got there and make news every time – on the mound – not Twitter – or his victories won’t be enough. He pitched six decent inning and ran out of gas/magic. The No-No headlines are ridiculous. Matt Harvey is nodding knowingly someplace.

That’s it for me. Gotta prep for that Old Glory vs Toronto match at 5pm. I hope you’ll tune in – for free. Here’s the link. I promise to sneak the Mets in there. And here’s something to prepare you, and you don’t need to know one iota about rugby to find some entertainment in it.

Please feel free to offer your Pyrrhic victories below and come back manana for El Cheesy Bruin.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.