BOSTON, MA – The calls are bombarding the sports talk stations all throughout New England this morning, with fed-up Patriots Fans calling for the head – and limbs – of suddenly embattled Head Coach Bill Belichick. But really, blame the falls directly on the New York Jets and their lame, inept history.
How so? Come now. There is no way in HELL (first time we haven’t used H-E-Double Hockey Sticks) that ANYONE thought the Fireman Eds would ever win that game. In fact, we were playing SnapCall and offered the possible ways they would blow it:
A) Personal Foul
B) Tragic Blimp Accident
C) 99-yard interception return
D) West Coast Craig calling the wrong play from Colorado because his in-laws’ internet sucks
But then the unbelievable happened. Instead of the Pats sucking the life out of Gang Green Nation by toying with them in another franchise-numbing loss, pigs flew over the Meadowlands… and didn’t get sucked into Freidrich Air Conditioner Stadium’s fans.

But make no mistake – there was no mistake with the coin toss call. Bill Belichick wanted the Jets to kick a field goal, then have Tom & Gronk march down the field in a 14-play masterpiece, culminating in a game-winning, New York-eliminating touchdown. But we all know now, incredibly, that it didn’t work out that way.
Fire Bill Belichick, Boston Fans! Disregard that your coach wins year in and year out with massive injuries and low draft picks.
Feel free to comment below and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. And of course, come back for Big Al Sternberg/Fake Sandy Alderson tomorrow.
P.s… Non-sequitur of the Day: Ryan Fitzpatrick is the dopiest Harvard man on the planet. Slide, guy!