Tryptophan Friday: Big Al Sternberg, Bobby V, Sandy Alderson, Caligula, Goodell, Nets

Goodell or Caligula?

Lack of civility in sports today has reached epidemic proportions, has it not? And we know who is most to blame. Is it the greedy – often creepy – billionaire owners whose gluttony for green and excess is unrivaled since Caligula? Is it the entitled, pampered ballplayers? Or how about the TV networks? Well, maybe all of those things. But for me, the end of civilization began way back in 1980.” –Big Al Sternberg

NEW YORK, NY – While scrambling to fill-in for the Tryptophan-induced coma that was responsible for Different Matt sleeping through his Friday Internment/assignment here, we came across the above cliffhanger opening to a cruelly unfinished column from Big Al Sternberg/Fake Sandy Alderson (FSA) in our drafts cache. Two thoughts came to mind immediately: 1) How much we miss Big Al. He hit the Showers in the Sky way too early.  His wit, humor and breadth of knowledge were – like that of Angry Ward – constant reminders us of how lucky we were/are to be privy to and enjoy in Mattville.  2) As per #1, we were thankful to have called him friend and giggle and rant about sports and life together. But FSA would also way a finger for not getting on with the show, or at least coming up with something to distract/entertain.

Fast-forward to the 2:00 mark for Big Al as the real Sandy Alderson:

turkey_trumpAnd just like that, we are out.

Please come back tomorrow for some other turkey, some more goodies from Different Matt.. And feel free to leave your thoughts below and follow us on Twitter – @MeetTheMatts and like our Facebook page, Meet The Matts.

Thanks Al.

President-elect Trump sends his regards. We know you’re clucking wildly.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.