The Best Rotation in Sports

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NEW YORK, NY – Full Disclosure: Today’s post is not about the Best Pitching Staff in Baseball – which is undoubtedly that of the New York Mets.  Instead, it’s about the MTM Rotation of Pundits, and we’d be more remiss than usual if we didn’t take a moment out to thank our very talented and giving staff for another stellar year in the books. As The Best Rotation in Sports, they have continued to bring you entertaining sports pieces, with touches of film, literature and food cultures. Indeed, to the whole staff: “Sans vous, nous sommes rien!“Because of them, we are able to provide you with 365 days of entertaining and original content. Heck, collectively we outlasted Grantland because of them. Deadspin and MetsBlog are next in our site’s sites.

@Different_Matt massages A-Rod. Hey, the Best Rotation needs a masseuse.

Starting on Sundays with Cheesy Bruin’s spot-on Free NFL Picks, NHL knowledge – which @CheesyBruin provide despite battling cancer and technological deficiencies that have been more challenging than those of Apollo 13

… to West Coast Craig and DJ Eberle handling Mondays with styles as far apart as the literal and cultural distances between them in their respective Los Angles and Albany homes. @WestCoastCraig’s suspension of reality – or stretching of it – flow along the rivers of poetic license. Meanwhile no-nonsense @DJEberle66 interprets facts and stats to support a staunch support of his convictions and teams, absorbing hits only his Offensive Lineman physique could handle.

Tuesday’s firebrand, rabble-rousing Big Al Sternberg/Fake Sandy Alderson holds big-shots accountable. It doesn’t matter if you’re Sandy Alderson or Tom Coughlin, you are not safe. Indeed, if Al Sharpton and Donald Trump had a son that covered sports, it would be Big Al/@AldersonFake.

noah-syndergaard-mets Angry_Ward Meet_The_Matts
@Angry_Ward and Noah Syndergaard go clubbing.

Wednesdays aren’t named Angry Ward Wednesday for nuthin’ folks. Simply put, A-Dubya is the “Straw that stirs the drink.” He’s The Franchise… the Earth to our Moons – or something romantically imperative like that. @Angry_Ward’s angst-ridden humor is simply our favorite read on the web every week – and we’re not just blowing smoke.

Thursdays have been salvaged from the woodpile by Grinding Ax Walter Hynes. Initially, the Ax Man agreed to posting every other week, but we’ve coerced him into chipping in as a pinch-hitter on his off-week on many occasions. As an unabashed Cowboys, Tigers and Soccer fan, Willing Walter handles all the heat fans and fellow staff members rightfully toss his way.

The Puck stops here every other Friday, as Different Matt weighs in with his Cornellian looks at the Rangers, Yankees, Giants and Knicks. @Different_Matt is the only MTM Staff member that follows the traditional NYC fan rooting route, the other being Isles, Mets, Jets and Nets. Ironically, it’s in that conventional way that he is… Different.

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A’s fan, JG Clancy and pal Newman.

Winding up the week on the toughest day of the week, SaturdaySports Rain Man Junoir Blaber offers insight that make idiot savants everywhere envious. @JunoirBlaber is easily the most well-rounded of our staff, adding Rugby and Soccer to his “qualified pundit” resume. Just don’t let him take his phone with him to a racetrack lavatory.

Honorary mention goes to Cookie, of Cookie’s Corner, Grote2DMax, Replacement Matt, Doc Diz and Tall Matt, who have helped out when a spot opened in the rotation on short notice.

Finally, we need to thank you fans. From Super Fans like JG Clancy, Sam’s-A-Fan, buffalobilly84, vinnyfrombrooklyn, Dude, bosoxbruins84 and even You Suck, we’d be nowhere without you.

Happy New Year to all and here’s to a Fun-Filled Ought 16.

Angry_Ward MSL Chicago_Fire Meet_The_Matts
@Angry_Ward during Sweeps Week.
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About The Matts 379 Articles started out as a NY Mets website and organically grew into an entity covering all professional sports. Our daily contributors, as diverse as they may be, share two important traits: -They toil for the "love of the game..." -They have a sense of humor. This is, after all, sports entertainment.